Elsimore is a minor deity favored by wrathful wizards and school teachers. He is known for being a patron of Arcane studies and heading extermination of psionic creatures.
Titles: God of Magic, Destruction, and PlanningPatron of Wizards and Teachers
Patron of Those who are Sick of This Shit
Adjective: Elsimoran
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Magic, Schools, Engineering, Invention
Worshipers: Wizards, Mystic Theurges, Teachers, Summoners, Revolutionaries, Psion Hunters and Exterminators
Cleric Alignments:
(LN) (N) (CN)
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Destruction, Artifice, Liberation
Subdomains: Arcane, Memory, Toil, Revoltion
Holy Symbol: A bronze Golem with blue veins holding a chalice in his hands, inside the chalice is a scroll of holy knowledge.
Favored Weapon: Touch Attacks
Favored Enemy: Psionics
Elsimore and his followers wish to expand the horizon of magic, facilitate arcane pursuits whenever possible, facilitate general education and scholarly pursuits, and to eliminate forces of supernatural destruction, especial those with psionic or psi-like powers. Although Elsimoran dogma advocates for patient teaching and subtle reprimand, Elsimore and his followers are known for wrath, especially in earth-shattering and paradigm shifting ways, usually towards Elsimoran goals. It usually takes divine intervention from a more powerful Deity to prevent Elsimoran revolutions
Elsimore was once a mortal, a powerful and gifted wizard. As an elf that lived to see magic slowly fall out of use as psionic powers became widespread and abused, Elsimore became dedicated to preserving arcane magic. As corrupt psions began spreading havoc throughout his world, one enemy rose up to unite Psions in an attempt to wipe out nonpsions in a genocidal rampage. This entity was near godly in power, and Elsimore was forced to retaliate by unleashing the null zone upon the plane of force and depowering most if not all psions in his world, including that which conspired to exterminate nonpsions, but this power would not just lay down and die. Time and space itself conspired against Elsimore and forced him to face this godly entity thrice in combat before Elsimore triumphed. The consequences though expunged Elsimore from the material plane just as his glorious triumph made him into a Heroic God of magic and destruction.
As word of Elsimore's triumph and exploits spread, followers began to gravitate towards his worship and a dedicated following begun; Elsimore was no longer a mere Heroic Deity. Now, He is a patron to wizards, teachers, and revolutionaries big and small, fighting the good fight and promoting wizardry and education when not leading the extermination of troublesome psions. Some say that remaining psions are a sign of the dark entity that attempted to euthanize nonpsions returning and a new source of psionics emerging. Many followers of Elsimore take preventative measures to make sure this does not occur.
Relationships to Other Religions
Elsimore and Elsimorans are known to be decidedly neutral to most other deities and their followers, live and let live. There are, however, notable exceptions to this. Religions that discourage arcane magic, discourage inventiveness, or promote psionics are violently opposed.
Elsimore is often described as an elven wizard in long, flowing rolls with extremely exaggerated eyebrows. He is often dipicted as standing on a large pile of scrolls and tomes.
Divine Intervention
The faithful believe that whenever psions or any other force would threaten the practice or knowledge of magic, Elsimore will use powerful magics to twist the cosmos and destroy such interlopers and their movements. Legend tells of the most promising wizards and other arcane casters are spirited away to Elsimore's realm to be personally taught by him.
Schools of Elsimore
Temples and Shrines
The "temples" of Elsimore are schools of arcane magics and, to a lesser extent, divine magics. Nations with high levels of casters or magocracies are known to have a large scattering of the Schools of Elsimore. These schools seek out potential wizards, sorcerers, and other natural casters to teach. Mystic Theurges are not an uncommon sight within their walls or in the vicinity. These places are supported by student work and research serving the general public, wealthy alumni, and to a lesser extent, local governments. Despite their patron deity's known wrath and penchant for being worshiped by revolutionaries, the Schools are known to be publicly neutral in all matters that do not directly concern the well being of mages or magic, but mages being mages do at times meddle or participate in Quests for fame and fortune.
Worshipers and Clergy
Elsimore is primarily worshipped by mages, teachers of both magical and mundane topics, revolutionaries, and hunters of psions. Many of his worshipers hope to be guided in their pursuits with ancient wisdom and inspiration to act. The vast majority of Elsimore's clergy also know some arcane magics or work closely with those that do. Occassional Paladins that worship Elsimore are known to protect centers of knowledge and to fight against those that would surpress the right to the pursuit of knowledge and hunt down chaotic forces and evil or chaotic mages and psions that threaten the the Schools of Elsimore and Elsimoran values.
Holy Texts
Every book of knowledge is considered holy to Elsimore, especially spellbooks, but their is a covetted and legendary scripture that is said to be a copy of Elsimore's personal gririmore filled with personal theories, advanced spells, and secrets of magic beyond most's wildest dreams. Legend has it that copies of these texts are only bestowed upon Elsimore's most devout followers and the most wise and powerful mages.
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